
12:1 弟兄們,論到屬靈的恩賜,我不願意你們不明白。
12:2 你們作外邦人的時候,隨事被牽引,受迷惑,去服事那啞巴偶像,這是你們知道的。
12:3 所以我告訴你們,被神的靈感動的,沒有說耶穌是可咒詛的;若不是被聖靈感動的,也沒有能說耶穌是主的。
12:4 恩賜原有分別,聖靈卻是一位。
12:5 職事也有分別,主卻是一位。
12:6 功用也有分別,神卻是一位,在眾人裡面運行一切的事。
12:7 聖靈顯在各人身上,是叫人得益處。
12:8 這人蒙聖靈賜他智慧的言語,那人也蒙這位聖靈賜他知識的言語,
12:9 又有一人蒙這位聖靈賜他信心,還有一人蒙這位聖靈賜他醫病的恩賜,
12:10 又叫一人能行異能,又叫一人能作先知,又叫一人能辨別諸靈,又叫一人能說方言,又叫一人能繙方言。
12:11 這一切都是這位聖靈所運行、隨己意分給各人的。



12:1 弟兄姊妹們,關於聖靈的恩賜,我希望你們都明白。
12:2 從前你們信從異教的時候,往往被引入歧途,受那些沒有生命的偶像轄制。
12:3 我告訴你們,凡是被上帝的靈感動的人一定不說「耶穌是該受詛咒的」。同樣,除非被聖靈引導,也沒有人能承認「耶穌是主」。
12:4 恩賜有多種,卻是同一位聖靈所賜;
12:5 事奉有多種,卻是同一位主所賜;
12:6 工作有多種,卻是同一位上帝賜給每人工作的能力。
12:7 為了使大家都得到好處,聖靈在我們每一個人身上所彰顯的也各不相同。
12:8 聖靈把智慧的信息賜給一個人,同一位聖靈把知識的信息賜給另一個人。
12:9 同一位聖靈把信心賜給一個人,把治病的能力賜給另一個人。
12:10 聖靈賜給這個人行神蹟的能力,給那個人傳講上帝信息的恩賜,給某人有辨別諸靈的能力,給另一個人有講靈語的能力,又給另一個人有解釋靈語的能力。
12:11 可是,這一切都是從同一位、惟一的聖靈來的;他按照自己的旨意,把不同的恩賜給每一個人。








12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be uninformed.
12:2 You know that when you were heathen, you were led astray to dumb idols, however you may have been moved.
12:3 Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking by the Spirit of God ever says "Jesus be cursed!" and no one can say "Jesus is Lord" except by the Holy Spirit.
12:4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit;
12:5 and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord;
12:6 and there are varieties of working, but it is the same God who inspires them all in every one.
12:7 To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.
12:8 To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit,
12:9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit,
12:10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.
12:11 All these are inspired by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills.


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