
5:12 主藉使徒的手在民間行了許多神蹟奇事;他們(或譯:信的人)都同心合意地在所羅門的廊下。
5:13 其餘的人沒有一個敢貼近他們,百姓卻尊重他們。
5:14 信而歸主的人越發增添,連男帶女很多。
5:15 甚至有人將病人抬到街上,放在床上或褥子上,指望彼得過來的時候,或者得他的影兒照在甚麼人身上。
5:16 還有許多人帶著病人和被污鬼纏磨的,從耶路撒冷四圍的城邑來,全都得了醫治。


5:17 大祭司和他的一切同人,就是撒都該教門的人,都起來,滿心忌恨,
5:18 就下手拿住使徒,收在外監。
5:19 但主的使者夜間開了監門,領他們出來,
5:20 說:「你們去站在殿裏,把這生命的道都講給百姓聽。」
5:21 使徒聽了這話,天將亮的時候就進殿裏去教訓人。大祭司和他的同人來了,叫齊公會的人和以色列族的眾長老,就差人到監裏去,要把使徒提出來。
5:22 但差役到了,不見他們在監裏,就回來稟報說:
5:23 「我們看見監牢關得極妥當,看守的人也站在門外;及至開了門,裏面一個人都不見。」
5:24 守殿官和祭司長聽見這話,心裏犯難,不知這事將來如何。
5:25 有一個人來稟報說:「你們收在監裏的人,現在站在殿裏教訓百姓。」
5:26 於是守殿官和差役去帶使徒來,並沒有用強暴,因為怕百姓用石頭打他們。
5:27 帶到了,便叫使徒站在公會前;大祭司問他們說:
5:28 「我們不是嚴嚴地禁止你們,不可奉這名教訓人嗎?你們倒把你們的道理充滿了耶路撒冷,想要叫這人的血歸到我們身上!」



5:12 使徒們在民間行了許多神蹟奇事;所有信徒都同心合意地在所羅門廊下聚集。
5:13 雖然一般民眾尊重他們,但是信徒以外的人都不敢接近他們。
5:14 當時信主的人越來越多,男女都有。
5:15 由於使徒們行了許多神蹟,有人把病人抬到街上來,放在床上、褥子上,希望彼得走過的時候,他的影子會投在他們一些人身上。
5:16 還有一大群人帶著病人和污靈附身的人從耶路撒冷附近的市鎮來;這些病人都得到了醫治。


5:17 大祭司和他的黨羽,就是當地的撒都該人,對使徒非常嫉妒,因此決定採取行動。
5:18 他們下手逮捕使徒,把他們囚禁在拘留所裏。
5:19 但是當夜,主的天使打開監門,把使徒領了出來,對他們說:
5:20 「你們去,站在聖殿裏,向人民宣講有關這新生命的道理。」
5:21 使徒聽從這話,在天快亮的時候進了聖殿,開始教導人。大祭司和他的黨羽召集議會裏所有的猶太長老舉行全體會議,然後下令到監獄裏把使徒提出來。
5:22 但是警衛到達的時候,發現使徒們不在監獄裏,就回議會報告說:
5:23 「我們到了監獄,看見監門牢牢地鎖住,獄警都守在門外;但我們開了監門,發現裏面連一個人也沒有!」
5:24 聖殿的警衛官和祭司長們聽見這報告,非常驚異,不知道使徒們遇到了甚麼事。
5:25 這時候,有一個人進來報告:「你們拘禁在監獄裏的人正站在聖殿裏教導民眾呢!」
5:26 於是那警衛官領著侍從去,把使徒們帶來。他們沒有使用暴力,因為怕人民用石頭打他們。
5:27 他們把使徒們帶來後,叫他們站在議會面前。大祭司開始審問他們。
5:28 他說:「我們嚴嚴地禁止過你們,不得藉著這個人的名教導人,你們反而把你們那一套道理傳遍耶路撒冷,而且想把殺這個人的血債歸在我們身上!」


 12At the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were taking place among the people; and they were all with one accord in Solomon's portico.

 13But none of the rest dared to associate with them; however, the people held them in high esteem.

 14And all the more believers in the Lord, multitudes of men and women, were constantly added to their number,

 15to such an extent that they even carried the sick out into the streets and laid them on cots and pallets, so that when Peter came by at least his shadow might fall on any one of them.

 16Also the people from the cities in the vicinity of Jerusalem were coming together, bringing people who were sick or afflicted with unclean spirits, and they were all being healed.

Imprisonment and Release

 17But the high priest rose up, along with all his associates (that is the sect of the Sadducees), and they were filled with jealousy.

 18They laid hands on the apostles and put them in a public jail.

 19But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the gates of the prison, and taking them out he said,

 20"Go, stand and speak to the people in the temple the whole message of this Life."

 21Upon hearing this, they entered into the temple about daybreak and began to teach Now when the high priest and his associates came, they called the Council together, even all the Senate of the sons of Israel, and sent orders to the prison house for them to be brought.

 22But the officers who came did not find them in the prison; and they returned and reported back,

 23saying, "We found the prison house locked quite securely and the guards standing at the doors; but when we had opened up, we found no one inside."

 24Now when the captain of the temple guard and the chief priests heard these words, they were greatly perplexed about them as to what would come of this.

 25But someone came and reported to them, "The men whom you put in prison are standing in the temple and teaching the people!"

 26Then the captain went along with the officers and proceeded to bring them back without violence (for they were afraid of the people, that they might be stoned).

 27When they had brought them, they stood them before the Council. The high priest questioned them,

 28saying, "We gave you strict orders not to continue teaching in this name, and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and intend to bring this man's blood upon us."





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