28:16 正月十四日是耶和華的逾越節。
28:17 這月十五日是節期,要吃無酵餅七日。
28:18 第一日當有聖會;甚麼勞碌的工都不可做。
28:19 當將公牛犢兩隻,公綿羊一隻,一歲的公羊羔七隻,都要沒有殘疾的,用火獻給耶和華為燔祭。
28:20 同獻的素祭用調油的細麵;為一隻公牛要獻伊法十分之三;為一隻公羊要獻伊法十分之二;
28:21 為那七隻羊羔,每隻要獻伊法十分之一。
28:22 並獻一隻公山羊作贖罪祭,為你們贖罪。
28:23 你們獻這些,要在早晨常獻的燔祭以外。
28:24 一連七日,每日要照這例把馨香火祭的食物獻給耶和華,是在常獻的燔祭和同獻的奠祭以外。
28:25 第七日當有聖會,甚麼勞碌的工都不可做。
28:26 七七節莊稼初熟,你們獻新素祭給耶和華的日子,當有聖會;甚麼勞碌的工都不可做。
28:27 只要將公牛犢兩隻,公綿羊一隻,一歲的公羊羔七隻,作為馨香的燔祭獻給耶和華。
28:28 同獻的素祭用調油的細麵;為每隻公牛要獻伊法十分之三;為一隻公羊要獻伊法十分之二;
28:29 為那七隻羊羔,每隻要獻伊法十分之一。
28:30 並獻一隻公山羊為你們贖罪。
28:31 這些,你們要獻在常獻的燔祭和同獻的素祭並同獻的奠祭以外,都要沒有殘疾的。」
除酵節獻的祭( 利 23:5-14 )
28:16 正月十四日要舉行記念上主的逾越節。
28:17 從十五日開始,一連七天要有敬拜的盛會;這七天中,只可吃無酵餅。
28:18 你們在盛會的第一天要聚集敬拜,不可做任何日常的工作。
28:19 要獻燒化祭作馨香的火祭,使上主喜悅。要獻上兩頭小公牛,一隻公綿羊,七隻一歲大的小公羊,都是沒有殘缺的。
28:20 也要獻細麵粉調和著橄欖油的素祭:每頭公牛配合三公斤細麵粉;每隻公綿羊配合兩公斤細麵粉;
28:21 每隻小公羊配合一公斤細麵粉。
28:22 又要獻上一隻公山羊作贖罪祭,為人民行潔淨禮。
28:23 除了每天例常的燒化祭以外,要獻上這些祭。
28:24 同樣,除了每天例常的燒化祭和奠祭以外,一連七天,每天要獻上上主喜悅的馨香火祭。
28:25 在第七天要聚集敬拜,不可做任何日常的工作。
收穫節獻的祭( 利 23:15-22 )
28:26 七七收穫節的第一天,以新收成的穀物作素祭獻給上主的時候,你們要聚集敬拜,不可做任何日常的工作。
28:27 你們要獻馨香的燒化祭,使上主喜悅。要獻兩頭小公牛,一隻公綿羊,七隻一歲大的小公羊,都是沒有殘缺的。
28:28 也要獻細麵粉調和著橄欖油的素祭:每頭公牛要配合三公斤細麵粉;公綿羊配合兩公斤細麵粉;
28:29 每隻小公羊配合一公斤細麵粉。
28:30 又要獻一隻公山羊作贖罪祭,為人民行潔淨禮。
28:31 除了這些祭和奠祭以外,每天照常要獻例常的燒化祭和素祭。
28:16 "On the fourteenth day of the first month is the LORD's passover.
28:17 And on the fifteenth day of this month is a feast; seven days shall unleavened bread be eaten.
28:18 On the first day there shall be a holy convocation: you shall do no laborious work,
28:19 but offer an offering by fire, a burnt
offering to the LORD: two young bulls, one ram, and seven male lambs a
year old; see that they are without blemish;
28:20 also their cereal offering of fine
flour mixed with oil; three tenths of an ephah shall you offer for a
bull, and two tenths for a ram;
28:21 a tenth shall you offer for each of the seven lambs;
28:22 also one male goat for a sin offering, to make atonement for you.
28:23 You shall offer these besides the burnt offering of the morning, which is for a continual burnt offering.
28:24 In the same way you shall offer daily,
for seven days, the food of an offering by fire, a pleasing odor to the
LORD; it shall be offered besides the continual burnt offering and its
drink offering.
28:25 And on the seventh day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work.
28:26 "On the day of the first fruits, when
you offer a cereal offering of new grain to the LORD at your feast of
weeks, you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious
28:27 but offer a burnt offering, a pleasing odor to the LORD; two young bulls, one ram, seven male lambs a year old;
28:28 also their cereal offering of fine flour mixed with oil, three tenths of an ephah for each bull, two tenths for one ram,
28:29 a tenth for each of the seven lambs;
28:30 with one male goat, to make atonement for you.
28:31 Besides the continual burnt offering
and its cereal offering, you shall offer them and their drink offering.
See that they are without blemish.