5:1 這事以後,到了猶太人的一個節期,耶穌就上耶路撒冷去。
5:2 在耶路撒冷,靠近羊門有一個池子,希伯來話叫作畢士大,旁邊有五個廊子;
5:3 裡面躺著瞎眼的、瘸腿的、血氣枯乾的許多病人。(有古卷在此有:等候水動;
5:4 因為有天使按時下池子攪動那水,水動之後,誰先下去,無論害甚麼病就痊癒了。)
5:5 在那裡有一個人,病了三十八年。
5:6 耶穌看見他躺著,知道他病了許久,就問他說:你要痊瘉嗎?
5:7 病人回答說:先生,水動的時候,沒有人把我放在池子裡;我正去的時候,就有別人比我先下去。
5:8 耶穌對他說:起來,拿你的褥子走吧!
5:9 那人立刻痊癒,就拿起褥子來走了。
5:1 這事以後,剛好是猶太人的一個節期,耶穌上耶路撒冷去。
5:2 在耶路撒冷,靠近羊門地方有一個池子,希伯來話叫畢士大,池邊有五個走廊【4】。
5:3 走廊上躺著成群的病人,其中有失明的、跛腳的、癱瘓的。
5:4 【5】
5:5 在那裏有一個已經病了三十八年的病人。
5:6 耶穌看見他躺著,知道他已患病多年,就問他:「你要得到醫治嗎?」
5:7 那病人回答:「先生,水動的時候沒有人幫我,把我放進池子,等我正想下去,已經有人搶先下去了。」
5:8 耶穌對他說:「起來,拿起你的褥子走吧!」
5:9 那人立刻好了,拿起他的褥子走了。那天剛好是安息日,
5:1 After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
5:2 Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Hebrew called Beth-za'tha, which has five porticoes.
5:3 In these lay a multitude of invalids, blind, lame, paralyzed.
5:5 One man was there, who had been ill for thirty-eight years.
5:6 When Jesus saw him and knew that he had been lying there a long time, he said to him, "Do you want to be healed?"
5:7 The sick man answered him, "Sir, I have no
man to put me into the pool when the water is troubled, and while I am
going another steps down before me."
5:8 Jesus said to him, "Rise, take up your pallet, and walk."
5:9 And at once the man was healed, and he took up his pallet and walked. Now that day was the sabbath.
思想問題:當我遇到困難時,我是否常怪罪於環境或別人呢 ?