13:13 保羅和他的同人從帕弗開船,來到旁非利亞的別加,約翰就離開他們,回耶路撒冷去。
13:14 他們離了別加往前行,來到彼西底的安提阿,在安息日進會堂坐下。
13:15 讀完了律法和先知的書,管會堂的,叫人過去,對他們說:二位兄台,若有甚麼勸勉眾人的話,請說。
13:16 保羅就站起來,舉手,說:以色列人和一切敬畏神的人,請聽。
13:17 這以色列民的神揀選了我們的祖宗,當民寄居埃及的時候抬舉他們,用大能的手領他們出來;
13:18 又在曠野容忍(或作:撫養)他們,約有四十年。
13:19 既滅了迦南地七族的人,就把那地分給他們為業;
13:20 此後給他們設立士師,約有四百五十年,直到先知撒母耳的時候。
13:21 後來他們求一個王,神就將便雅憫支派中基士的兒子掃羅,給他們作王四十年。
13:22 既廢了掃羅,就選立大衛作他們的王,又為他作見證說:我尋得耶西的兒子大衛,他是合我心意的人,凡事要遵行我的旨意。
13:23 從這人的後裔中,神已經照著所應許的,為以色列人立了一位救主,就是耶穌。
13:24 在他沒有出來以先,約翰向以色列眾民宣講悔改的洗禮。
13:25 約翰將行盡他的程途說:你們以為我是誰?我不是基督;只是有一位在我以後來的,我解他腳上的鞋帶也是不配的。
13:26 弟兄們,亞伯拉罕的子孫和你們中間敬畏神的人哪,這救世的道是傳給我們的。
13:27 耶路撒冷居住的人和他們的官長,因為不認識基督,也不明白每安息日所讀眾先知的書,就把基督定了死罪,正應了先知的預言;
13:28 雖然查不出他有當死的罪來,還是求彼拉多殺他;
13:29 既成就了經上指著他所記的一切話,就把他從木頭上取下來,放在墳墓裡。
13:30 神卻叫他從死裡復活。
13:31 那從加利利同他上耶路撒冷的人多日看見他,這些人如今在民間是他的見證。
13:13 保羅和他的同伴從帕弗開船,到了旁非利亞的別加;約翰‧馬可在那裏離開他們,回耶路撒冷去。
13:14 他們從別加繼續他們的行程,到了彼西底的安提阿。在安息日,他們到猶太人的會堂去,坐下。
13:15 讀過了摩西的法律和先知的書後,會堂的主管們派人去告訴他們:「兄長們,如果你們有話要勸勉大家,請說吧。」
13:16 保羅就站起來,做個手勢,說:「以色列同胞和所有敬畏上帝的外邦人哪,請聽!
13:17 以色列人的上帝揀選了我們的祖先。當他們寄居在埃及的時候,上帝使他們成為一個偉大的民族,用大能的手領他們出了埃及,
13:18 在曠野他容忍【10】他們約有四十年之久。
13:19 他消滅了迦南地區的七個民族,把他們的土地交給他的子民;
13:20 這些事歷時約四百五十年。「以後,上帝又給他們設立士師,直到先知撒母耳的時候。
13:21 後來,他們要求有一個王,上帝就從便雅憫支族選出基士的兒子掃羅,立他作他們的王,前後四十年。
13:22 掃羅被廢後,上帝又替他們立大衛為王。關於大衛,上帝說:『我已經找到耶西的兒子大衛;他是合我心意、事事遵從我旨意的人。』
13:23 從他的後代中,上帝照著他的應許為以色列立了一位救主,就是耶穌。
13:24 耶穌開始工作以前,約翰向全體以色列人民傳道,要他們悔改,接受洗禮。
13:25 約翰的使命快要完成的時候,他向以色列人民說:『你們想我是誰?我並不是你們所期待的那一位。但是,那位隨後來的,我連替他脫鞋子都不配。』
13:26 「諸位同胞─亞伯拉罕的子孫和所有敬畏上帝的外邦人哪,這拯救的信息是傳給我們的!
13:27 可是,住在耶路撒冷的人和他們的領袖不知道他是救主,也不明白每安息日所宣讀先知的經文。他們把耶穌定了罪,倒應驗了先知的預言。
13:28 雖然他們找不到定他死罪的理由,仍然要求彼拉多處死他。
13:29 他們做了先知書所記載關於耶穌的一切事情以後,就從十字架上把他取下來,安放在墓穴裏。
13:30 可是,上帝使他從死裏復活,
13:31 而且在一段時間裏,他好多次向那些曾經跟他一道從加利利到耶路撒冷去的人顯現。這些人如今在以色列民間成為他的見證人。
13:13 Now Paul and his company set sail from Paphos, and came to Perga in Pamphyl'ia. And John left them and returned to Jerusalem;
13:14 but they passed on from Perga and came to Antioch of Pisid'ia. And on the sabbath day they went into the synagogue and sat down.
13:15 After the reading of the law and the prophets, the rulers of the synagogue sent to them, saying, "Brethren, if you have any word of exhortation for the people, say it."
13:16 So Paul stood up, and motioning with his hand said: "Men of Israel, and you that fear God, listen.
13:17 The God of this people Israel chose our fathers and made the people great during their stay in the land of Egypt, and with uplifted arm he led them out of it.
13:18 And for about forty years he bore with them in the wilderness.
13:19 And when he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, he gave them their land as an inheritance, for about four hundred and fifty years.
13:20 And after that he gave them judges until Samuel the prophet.
13:21 Then they asked for a king; and God gave them Saul the son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, for forty years.
13:22 And when he had removed him, he raised up David to be their king; of whom he testified and said, `I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will.'
13:23 Of this man's posterity God has brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus, as he promised.
13:24 Before his coming John had preached a baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel.
13:25 And as John was finishing his course, he said, `What do you suppose that I am? I am not he. No, but after me one is coming, the sandals of whose feet I am not worthy to untie.'
13:26 "Brethren, sons of the family of Abraham, and those among you that fear God, to us has been sent the message of this salvation.
13:27 For those who live in Jerusalem and their rulers, because they did not recognize him nor understand the utterances of the prophets which are read every sabbath, fulfilled these by condemning him.
13:28 Though they could charge him with nothing deserving death, yet they asked Pilate to have him killed.
13:29 And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a tomb.
13:30 But God raised him from the dead;
13:31 and for many days he appeared to those who came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are now his witnesses to the people.